The Advantages of Sectional Title ownership at Heritage Estate over Life Rights

There are two traditional ways of buying into a mature lifestyle or retirement development. The first is by acquiring Sectional Title ownership in an Estate such as Heritage Estate, and the other is by buying a Life Right in a development. There are distinct advantages to buying in a Sectional Tile development as opposed to buying a Life Right where one is usually placed on unrealistically long waiting lists.

Managing agents, trustees and The Sectional Title Scheme Management Act 8 of 2011

Managing agents, Trustees & The Sectional Title Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011 The Sectional Title Schemes Management Act (STSMA) no 8 of 2011 and the Community Services Ombuds Service Act (CSOS), were promulgated on 7 October 2016 – and are now included with parts of the old Sectional Title Act 95 of 1986, which […]

Heritage Estate – Sectional Title and The Body Corporate

When signing an offer to purchase a sectional title unit at Heritage Estate – Mature Lifestyle Estate, buyers are agreeing to the conditions of buying into an investment project and becoming members of the Home Owners Association that in turn runs the Heritage Estate Body Corporate and the Olive Grove Body Corporate and all common […]

Sectional Title – the Body Corporate and Owners

Sectional Title – the Body Corporate and Owners Most owners are unaware of their legal duties as members of a Body Corporate. They are very aware of their duty to pay levies but appear to be less aware of others set out in the Conduct and Management Rules. In terms of the Sectional Titles Schemes […]

Body Corporate and the Role of Trustees in Sectional Title

The Body Corporate is the collective name given to all the owners of units in a scheme. The Heritage Estate Body Corporate came into on the 21st of December 2017 – as soon as the first units were transferred to the new owners. All registered owners of units in Heritage Estate are automatically members of […]

Managing a Body Corporate and Estate

Some body corporates believe that by appointing a managing agent, they are handing over the management of their scheme, in its entirety, to the managing agent.   This is, in fact, not true. The trustees are responsible for the management of the Estate – NOT the managing agent. In some instances, the managing agent is made […]

Retirement today!

The traditional concept of retirement has changed significantly over the past few decades, with many people in their 60s and 70s still very active and working. While retirement generally represents a change in lifestyle, there is a growing tendency for younger people to plan ahead regarding retirement options and living conditions, ie:  downscaling from a […]

Maintenance in Sectional Title schemes

Maintenance in a sectional title scheme differs quite drastically from that of a full title property, where the property owner would be responsible for all maintenance and upkeep as the sole owner of the property. Sectional Title Schemes are more complicated as they are governed and regulated by the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8 […]

Olive Grove – Show unit – Type D – 26th January 2022

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