Heritage Mature lifestyle Estate offers residents wellness programs and assisted living care through TruCare –Age-well solutions.
“The move toward preventative care in the Estate, with homebased care options, is in line with the development all over the world.” says Marina Constas – director of BBM Attorneys and specialist sectional title attorney. “Accommodation for the elderly is increasingly moving away from nursing home style facilities towards independent living”.
There are a number of considerations when looking at life after retirement:
1. Increased dependency when growing older is an undeniable fact of life.
2. The pace and extent of growing dependency can be managed, resulting in a quality of life in an advanced age.
3. The new way to retire is towards remaining active – cognitively, socially, physically, emotionally, spiritually and economically, towards maintaining independent living.
4. Every new generation of retirees are better educated, healthier and technologically more advanced than those before.
5. The ability to manage health and wellness are key elements in ones’ quality of life.
6. The new generation of retirees do not see themselves spending their last days in a frail care center, preferring access to primary health and home based care.
Living in a mature Lifestyle Estate
1. Any housing scheme which includes an age embargo ie: that residents must be 50 years or older, will fall under the Housing Schemes for Retired Persons Act No 65 of 1988, and must comply with this Act.
2. The primary aim of Act 65 of 1988, is to protect the rights of residents.
3. Besides all other property legislation, the Estate and its residents must adhere and comply with the Consumer Protection Act no 68 of 2008 and The Older Persons Act No 13 of 2006.
4. A Mature Lifestyle Estate contractually links residents to the facilities and services that form part of the Estate that allows them to enjoy greater security, companionship, lock-up and go, low house maintenance and access to health care when needed
The Impact of The Older Persons Act
1. Act no 13 of 2006 is the principle legislation aimed at protecting and enhancing the rights and dignity of all older persons.
2. The Act requires all health and care services to be rendered to comply with the National norms and standards and to be properly registered.
3. The main shift of care services in this Act is to move away from the institutional (frail) care towards enabling residents to remain in the comfort of their own home for as long as possible.
4. The Act binds all natural and juristic persons to ensure the realisation of the governing principles and objectives.
5. All legal persons like the Body Corporate or the Management Association managing the retirement facility are required to take reasonable steps to prevent and combat neglect, abuse, pre-mature frailty and disability.
6. The Older Persons Act provides the legal and professional framework for all services rendered in a retirement estate and is binding on all persons to comply with the requirements of the Act.
The Health Care program for Heritage Mature Lifestyle Estate
All residents in Heritage Estate will have access to the health and wellness service provided by TruCare.
1. A Pre-admission Assessment – This is carried out by TruCare in an interview with the resident to determine whether the Estate has the specific services to accommodate any possible risks and health conditions. (This is required by The Consumer Protection Act of 2008).
2. A Primary Health Care Clinic – offering primary health care to assess and monitor the health and wellness of the resident and to render medical intervention as may be required.
3. Emergency Procedures – the services of Emer-G-Med are contracted should hospitalisation be required. The observation room is under the care of Matron Devanna, and a panic button is supplied to all residents that links to the guard house for any emergency.
4. Home based care as and when needed by the resident – a care giver can be provided as well as the service of laundry, cleaning, cooking and bathing.
5. Setting a health baseline for the Estate.
6. Promoting socialisation and recreational activities – 10th April and 12th April 2018 saw the start of this program with a Mobi-Gym stretching program, and a Wellness Day held at Heritage Estate for the residents. Health and beauty professionals – a doctor, nurse, audiologist, dietician, physiotherapist, fitness instructor, beautician and Emer-G-Med were in attendance to talk about their services and answer any questions from residents.